Travelling Exploration and Meeting New People

I started to have an objective to travel more often, after COVID 19 I did not travel at all. I think I need a change, I need to meet new people and live in a new country. I am looking for the opportunity of course, but also I am looking for better harmony and I am looking for the human connection to be able to connect with people and have new friends.

I am thinking about where I can travel, what are my options and how I can realize them. There are so many countries that I can travel to but I am restricted with visa constraints. But also the objective from my travel is another obstacle, what I will be doing on a daily basis in a new country. Will I be studying, working, travelling to see the country or doing an internship.

My Photo With Abraham Lincoln Statue in Washington DC

My last trip was to the USA, I have attended a conference in Seattle, Washington, met a friend in East Lansing Michigan and attended a conference in Washington DC. My focus was on publishing my paper and looking for opportunities to work in the railway sector at that time. These days, I am thinking of venturing into the world of autonomous cars. The challenge with these advanced topics that these technologies are not implemented in my country, this makes the challenge even harder if you want to venture into a new technology.

Another Idea is to venture even more to the world of web technology and to build a technology bootcamp, we are in the process of building our intensive technology bootcamp where I can encourage young people to join, network, follow instructions and develop technologies on a daily basis.

My Trip to Turkey included presenting a paper in a scientific conference

Before travelling to the US, I travelled to Turkey, it was also for attending a scientific conference, I have travelled half of the country visiting many cities in the country. Before that I have travelled to many countries including UAE, UK, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France. I have also traveled to Poland.

I have traveled mainly for studying or doing business meetings, I might be travelling more in the coming period for relaxation, cultural interactions and visiting new places. Let us see what the coming days will reveal for us.  Of course will keep you posted and will updated our blog.


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